Čudovita dvojezična pobarvanka o Sloveniji v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Vsi otroci radi barvajo. vendar je pomembno tudi kaj barvajo. Pobarvanka Slovenije omogoča spoznavanje z našo lepo državo in različnimi znamenitostimi, ki so del naše kulturne in naravne dediščine. Pobarvanka vsebuje: ● 20 dvostranskih pobarvank Slovenije – 13 slovenskih mest in 7 znamenitosti Slovenije ● Opisi vseh pobarvank ● Slovenski in angleški jezik ● 42 notranjih strani ● Velikost: A4 format ● Kvaliteten papir za barvanje ● Za starost: 4 let – 104 let
Celotno besedlo pobarvanke je tudi v angleškem jeziku, zato ej primerna tudi za darila sorodnikom in prijateljem, ki so zunaj meja Slovenije.
Barvajte z okusom.
Pobarvanko sva ustvarili Mojca Stubelj Ars in Naja Simčič
I know it from the first hand – how hard it is growing up with dyslexia. In elementary school, I spent hours with a school psychologist because they did not understand why I still do not read fluently and do not write correctly like my peers. Or why everything I write is full of grammar errors. I started to read only at the age of 10, and this was exclusively due to a motivation. Namely, during the summer holidays I got a brand new fancy bike … it was red, it had 21 gears and it was a “dream come true”! Attention: for one hour on a bike, I had to read out loud for an hour … certainly today’s pedagogues would have frowned upon this method, but it worked in my case. Of course, after one hour of reading, I spent the entire afternoon cycling and in autumn, when I went back to school, I was able to read much better.
Dyslexia followed me all the time and by the time I graduated from high school I was struggling with many subjects. I was often poorly assessed. Unfortunately, none of my high school teachers could be convinced that I have a disorder called dyslexia, because I am gifted in many other areas. That’s exactly why I decided that my books for children will be “dyslexia friendly”. Even if I help only one child with dyslexia to learn to read or love a written word, my heart will be happy.
1. What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a problem in decoding a written language that is related to brain activity.
With the help of modern brain scanning technologies, scientists have found that brain activity during reading in dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers appears in other brain areas / centers. They confirmed that the brain of the dyslexics processed the written language differently.
2. Why does my child have dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a genetic disorder and is hereditary.
It has been proven that dyslexia is hereditary. Scientific research shows that it is not responsible for a single gene, but a group of them. Therefore, it is not possible to expect genetic treatment in the future.
3. Does dyslexia affect everyone in the same way?
The degree of dyslexia is different for each person.
Dyslexia is slightly different in every individual. In other words, the degree of disturbance is different from the individual to the individual.
The exact estimate of the number of people with dyslexia is unknown because different studies indicate different numbers. The fact is that many people with dyslexia do not even know they are dyslexic. Namely, years ago, people looked at people who had trouble reading and spelling differently, and most were never tested for dyslexia or specially treated.
5. I have dyslexia. Will my child have it as well?
If you have dyslexia, it is likely that your child will have it.
Dyslexia is hereditary, but the rules of her inheritance are more complex than in recessive or dominant genes.
6. Can dyslexia be due to environmental impacts?
It has been shown that dyslexia is not associated with low intelligence, laziness, lack of motivation or poor parenting.
Dyslexia is not associated with the environment in which children are grow up.
7. How to cure dyslexia?
Dyslexia can not be cured. But we can learn to live with it and perceive it as a gift and not an obstacle.
The most difficult period of tackling dyslexia occurs when a child enters school and eventually finds out that he is lagging behind it’s pears in reading and writing skills. Dyslexia needs to be identified and then dealt with learning the reading in a different (dyslexia appropriate) way.
8. Can dyslexia be relaxed?
The brain’s plasticity makes it possible for the brain of the dyslexics to better process the written language by exercising (reading, reading and reading).
With reading drill, over time, the brain learns to activate in other areas to compensate for lower brain activity in centers that are otherwise responsible for processing the written language. Therefore, for the same person, the degree of dyslexia can change with time and mend.
9. How to help a child with dyslexia?
A child with dyslexia needs to practice reading regularly, encouragement and awarding. The reading material must be suitable for readers with dyslexia. It is very important that the child is properly led with a great deal of patience…
Unfortunately, for children with dyslexia learning to read can be a very unpleasant and frustrating. That is why it is of utmost importance that dyslexia is identified as soon as possible. The child with dyslexia needs adequate help in the learning process at school and at home.
10. Can a person with dyslexia be successful? In what?
Dyslexia can be a gift. People with dyslexia have a more active right front frontal cerebrum with centers for “creativity and art”. Many successful and famous people are dyslexics.
Positive motivation is extremely important for all children with dyslexia. It is also important that they are aware that they will be able to succeed in life, despite dyslexia and learning difficulties, which usually go hand in hand with dyslexia.
Did you know that dyslexia is also a gift!?! Exactly because the brains of the dyslexics work “a bit different”, people with dyslexia have a “somewhat different way of thinking”. And this can sometimes lead to exceptional discoveries, creations or artworks! Check out a list of 10-well-known people with dyslexia who are extremely successful in various fields … either science, art or technology.
Albert Einstein – a scientist, a physicist, a Nobel laureate who set up a theory of relativity
Leonardo da Vinci – artist and innovator
Pablo Picasso – a painter who created cubism and left us over 120,000 outstanding works of art
Agatha Christie – a writer of detective crime, short stories and dramas, the best-selling author in the world
Hans Christian Anderson – a renowned writer for children and adults
Walt Disney – a man who is still the notion of an animated film for children
Steven Spielberg– director who created hundreds of outstanding film stories
Richard Branson – an entrepreneur and innovator who runs Virgin
Steve Jobs – visionary, inventor and founder of Apple
Salma Hayek – actress and Tom Cruise– actor
MINI POLIGLOTINI books are dyslexia friendly! 😀 😀 😀
We spent an amazing academic year in Honolulu. At the time when we were trio: me, my husband and our toddler son, everything we did and experienced was »kids friendly«.Few years later my best friend Maša landed in Honolulu with her hubby and two preschool girls … so I am writing the tips on experiencing O’ahu with kids for Maša and all of you who plan vacation on O’ahu with kids!
Everyone who visits O’ahu goes to Waikiki. It’s the heart of tourism on O’ahu. While sandy beaches, Duke Kahanamoku statue, luxury and boutique hotels, International Market Place, Ala Moana shopping center, bars, restaurants and endless shops. You can experience daily Hawaiian music, dance and cultural performances. A place you must visit if you are visiting O’ahu. Some love Waikiki, some say it’s to commercial. Anyway, it’s a must see.
Diamond Head State Monument
Have you ever taught you will be hiking into the heart of volcano! Yes, it’s possible in Honolulu, just at the very end of Waikiki. From the top you will experience most famous and most wonderful site on Waikiki. I would say it’s the most popular hike in O’ahu. Almost everyone hikes Diamond Head State Monument while visiting Honolulu. Unfortunately, it’s quite crowded, unless you start your hike at the dawn. But that’s less likely with kids.
The Honolulu Zoo
Every capital has a zoo, but Honololu Zoo is simply great place to visit with kids! Because of the tropical climate animals feel almost like home 😀 The zoo is quite big, diverse, wonderfully designed and well maintained. A must see while on vacation with kids on O’ahu. They also offer yearly tickets for families and many locals visit Honolulu Zoo on a weekly basis. One of my local friends once said: “I raised my kids at the zoo and the beach.” I was kind of confused, but only until we visited the Honolulu Zoo and realized it’s a place every kid would love to visit daily.
The giraffe at the Honolulu Zoo with the Diamond Head in the back.
Waikiki Aquarium
Absolutely the best place to see the colorful tropical fishes, corals and get the feeling of underwater diversity of Hawaiian Seas. Waikiki Aquarium is fun, educational, kid friendly and one of the places you must visit while exploring the O’ahu with kids. It’s a smaller size, but with it’s diverse inhabitants and great staff it’s a very nice 2 hours experience.
Snorkling on O’ahu with kids
You can snorkel almost everywhere on O’ahu but be sure to choose beaches where the surf is low and the entrance to the sea is safe! Sandy beaches almost never have corals so it’s best to snorkel on a rocky bottom. One of the beautiful places for snorkeling is Hanauma Bay State Park. It’s a beautiful bay Hawaiian royalty used to swim. The Hanauma Bay has educational value as well and it’s well organized not to overcrowd the place. You must pay to snorkel at Hanauma Bay, you can borrow the snorkeling gear and use the amenities. A must visit with kids on O’ahu! Wonderful experience.
The view on Hanauma Bay from the top, close to the entrance gate.
Whale watching on O’ahu
Information table along the hike to Kaena Point. This hike is the most likely place to see the Humpback whales breaching from the shore’s of O’ahu.
Whales can be seen from all shores of O’ahu, but perhaps the best places to whale watch is Kaena Point. A nice and easy hike to the lighthouse will give you some breathtaking views! And most likely you will get to see some acrobatics by Humpback whales.
Information table along the hike to Kaena Point. This hike is the most likely place to see the Humpback whales breaching from the shore’s of O’ahu.
Dolphin watching on O’ahu
Wild dolphins of Hawai’i I had a privilege to photograph from the boat, close to the shores of Makaha.
The best place to watch for dolphins is on the shores of Makaha. In case you wish to have the closer look at dolphins you may go for a dolphin watching tour. There are few agencies who offer dolphin watching and snorkeling. They vary according to the location, size of the boat, duration of the excursion. Sailing trip can unite wildlife watching, snorkeling, swimming and experiencing the beaches and shores of O’ahu.
Wild dolphins of Hawai’i I had a privilege to photograph from the boat, close to the shores of Makaha.
Turtle watching on O’ahu
North shore is a top destination for turtle watching. There is even a bay called Turtle bay! When green sea turtles come on shore to bask they are watched by volunteers who make sure visitors do not approach animals too close or touch them. It’s forbidden by law to feed or touch any wildlife in Hawai’i.
The encounter with the green sea turtle at the North Shore. The white paper has info about this exact turtle – it’s a female and her name is Hiwahiwa.
Shark watching on O’ahu
Yes, there are also sharks in Pacific and you can see them while visiting O’ahu. Luckily not from the shore! There is at least one local tourism business that specializes in shark cage encounters. In my wildest dreams I would not dare go se the sharks face to face, but some people say it’s a great experience.
Bodysurfing watching on O’ahu
Our son at the Sandy Beach, one of the greatest places to bodysurf on O’ahu.
If you are living in Hawaii, one thing you surely do is bodysurf. For bodysurfing you need certain types of waves and a body surf you can get for few dollars. But do not be foolish and try to compete with locals! Bodysurfing can be dangerous. One of the best places to watch locals bodysurf is definitely Sandy Beach or “Broke Necks Beach”. Guess why this name? It’s also Barack Obama’s favourite place to bodysurf!
Watching professional surfers on O’ahu
The North Shore is one of the best places on the world to surf! Professional surfers come from all over the world to ride the big waves at the North Shore. The famous surfing contests happen on the North Shore every year, one and only “The North Shore Surfing Competition”. It happens when the waves are damn high!
The North Shore beach where people gather to watch the surfers riding the waves.
Surfing on O’ahu for beginners
Best place to get a surfing lesson is Waikiki. If you have kids, make sure that one parent is with the children while other is taking a surfing lesson. And then change turns 😀
While living in Waikiki I even got a chance to try surfing! Lovely experience…
Experiencing jungle – Hiking on O’ahu
Although the island od O’ahu is not that big it has quite different microclimate. For instance at the depth of Manoa Valley it rains almost every afternoon. Just 20 miles south at the Hawaii Kai the climate is dry with hardly any rain. The vegetation depends on the microclimate so as a tropical forests is a must see experience on O’ahu I would suggest: Hiking Manoa Falls. It’s the closest hike to Waikiki, short enough for kids and with a rewarding view of the waterfall at the end of the hike.
The family coming down from Manoa Falls hike.
Bishop Museum
The best place to feel Hawaiian natural and cultural history. The Bishop Museum is one of the most best taking museums I have ever been to! With plenty of workshops and interactive content. An educational, beautiful and fun place for all ages.
Family friendly experiences are found also on Kualoa Ranch – which I would highly recommend and Polynesian Cultural Center, which is too much “Disney like” for my taste. Another must see destination is the Pearl Harbor, although it’s not really kids friendly content or place.
O’ahu is the for sure an amazing destination for family holidays as it offers numerous amazing outdoor experiences. Enjoy O’ahu and do not forget to respect the nature and local people while visiting this amazing place!
Living on O’ahu has made me a better person. It made such a strong impact on me, that few years later I made a book ALOHA KAIMANA. It has an environmental message and features Hawaiian marine wildlife. Check it out here. Aloha!
Why is the 26. September a European Day of Languages?
Simply because Europe is multilingual!
There are 28 countries and 24 official languages in European Union. Although United Nations count 44 countries as Europe. In Europe there are about 225 indigenous languages, while also non-European languages are used on European territory (Arabic, Chinese and Hindi …) Due to constant migrations in London alone some 300 languages are spoken!
European Day of Languages reminds us that Europe is an intercultural treasury of languages. Together we are 800 million Europeans, of which at least half of us are bilingual or multilingual. The European Commission encourages multilingualism precisely because of the need for language skills in increasingly intercultural Europe. Multilingualism is also a crucial asset for better business and cultural integration and tolerance for other cultures and customs. The EU Ministers of Formal Education are supporting learning of at least two foreign languages in the childhood. It seems that early language learning will be soon included in general strategy of the European Commission for Early Childhood Education and Education.
MINI POLIGLOTINI multilingual books for children encourage the love for languages from the early childhood. With our books children can learn Slovenian, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish and Russian languages. And with time we will add new languages … The easiest was to bring love for languages closer to children is with fairytales, which are a priceless part of every childhood. Aside from that, there is a rising trend of scientific evidences that prove the benefits of children that learn languages at the early age.
Europe is a polyglot and all children that grow up in Europe should become polyglots as well.
The book »ALOHA KAIMANA« speaks about the boy that is swollen by the big wave while surfing. The boy is saved by a Hawaiian seal and she takes him to a wonderful Hawaiian island. Marine animals save the boy: sea turtle, humpback whale, dolphins confess. They confess to the boy that people are endangering them. Because of his marine adventure the boy becomes the guardian of the seas.
The text of the book ALOHA KAIMANA is written in capital letters. Because of that the book is suitable for introducing letters to children and for teaching children how to read. In addition the book has a dyslexia friendly design.
The book has an additional didactic value: it contains a board game.
In the book we explain the meaning of Hawaiian words ALOHA, KAI, MANA in KAIMANA.
The book is multilingual, it’s written in SLOVENIAN – ITALIAN – ENGLISH languages.
For ages: 2-10 years and everyone who loves the sea and marine animals.
Author: Dr. Mojca Stubelj Ars Illustrations: Polona Lovšin
Much more than a fairytale !
The book ALOHA KAIMANA contains:
a fairytale with environmental message,
15 amazing illustrations,
a short dictionary,
a board game.
The book ALOHA KAIMANA makes learning languages FUN, CREATIVE and MAGICAL.
A book that offers endless hours of fun
Children will be having fun with:
listening to the fairytale in different languages,
admiring magical illustrations,
learning about marine animals,
playing a board game.
The book is suitable for first-hand learning of letters and learning to read.
Innovation in the field of early language learning
Mutilingual book ALOHA KAIMANA will:
enable your children to learn languages via games,
positively affect your child’s linguistic and cognitive development,
be suitable for a longer period of childhood – from 2 to 10 years of age,
help readers with dyslexia read more fluently.
Book cover
29 x 20,8 x 1,1 cm
Number of pages
Slovenian – Italian – English
Board game
The book is based on a fairytale in which children, horses and many other animals appear. Luna is the smallest pony in the horse club who teaches children their first riding lessons. One day, a beautiful Arabian horse comes to the club and Luna wishes to become big like it as well. On the way to meeting her heart’s desire, Luna discovers what makes her really happy and becomes a magical pony. In the book the text is laid out in three languages on even numbered pages and fully illustrated on the opposite pages.
The book has additional didactic value since, aside from the fairytale, it contains a trilingual picture dictionary, rich didactic material, a board game, and instructions for using the book in four different ways to suit the child’s development stage. The didactic material is divided into six modules. The book has a dyslexia-friendly layout.
The book content is trilingual and you can choose between different language combinations.
For ages: 2–10 years and all who love horses
Book author: Dr. Mojca Stubelj Ars Illustrations: Naja Simčič
Much more than a fairytale !
The book THE FAIRYTALE OF LUNA contains:
a fairytale,
a Trilingual Picture Dictionary,
didactic material,
a board game.
The book THE FAIRYTALE OF LUNA makes learning languages FUN, CREATIVE and MAGICAL.
A book that offers endless hours of fun
Children will be having fun with:
the description of ponies and Arabian horses ,
the tasks and questions ,
making the puppet of Luna,
learning about the moon and the stars ,
the active learning questions ,
following the guidelines for creating different artwork.
Innovation in the field of early language learning
The book was given the GOLDEN INNOVATION AWARD of The Slovenian Business and Research Association It will:
enable your children to learn languages via games,
positively affect your child’s linguistic and cognitive development ,
be suitable for a longer period of childhood – from 2 to 10 years of age ,
The book “The mixed-up chameleon” is a short, cute, colorful book and with visual effects with a lovely message: be happy with who you are. That is an important message to teach our children at a very young age.
Chameleons have the power to change colors, but this chameleon wants to be a little bit of everybody else. He wished to be handsome like a flamingo, smart like a fox, and funny like a seal… But with each transformation in size, shape, and color he becomes more mixed-up. At the end the chameleon learns that maybe being yourself is best of all!
?Setting of the story:Nature.
? Trigger of the story: The chameleon becomes inspired to change by seeing zoo animals, who are cooler than he is.
? Problem: The chameleon thinks his life is boring. He wants to be like everybody else. By trying to be like others he becomes so mixed up, he can’t catch a fly.
? Solution:The chameleon wishes again to be himself and he learns being yourself is best of all.
???Message:Accept yourself, be yourself, be happy with your life!
? Age:This book aimed is for children 4 – 10.
? Children are excited with the visual effects of this book. ? Children are enraptured by the colors and fun illustrations. They shine on the turn of every page. ?Child’s short attention span may prolong with this book.
Although this is short book it is a very well thought out. Older child can explore every child’s desire to fit in with a certain group rather than recognize how wonderful that person is in his/her own right. Young children can play with the fun and unusual pictures of changing chameleon.
“The mixed-up chameleon” is a great read for any age.
We came up to this book because Oskar’s favorite animal is the chameleon. By reading to him the Wildlife Encyclopedia he somehow defined the chameleons are the coolest of all. So I started looking for a book about chameleon and came up to this marvelous masterpiece by Eric Carle.
Oskar wished to present this book at school for his “reading badge assignment”. That’s why I translated the book in Slovenian and printed the text out for him. Oskar read it himself, illustrated the book and presented it in front of his classroom. Everyone loved it! The next day the two of us made a coloring sheet about chameleon for all his classmates and everyone was excited. By seeing how my son loved the book and how well children in his class reacted to it, I decided to analyze the book and see what English words and phrases kid’s can learn from this lovely book.
A great book for learning English words through game.
Learning English:first thing children learn in this book are colors. Then they learn to name the animals from this book. But there is much more vocabulary to learn from this book! Check out the words and phrases you can teach your child by spending quality time together.
Learning English for children is even more fun with MINI POLIGLOTINI books. Check them out!
The words in The mixed up Chameleon:
ADJECTIVES SHINY SPARKLING COLD HUNGRY STILL LONG (tongue) STICKY (tongue) EXCITING (It’s life was not very exciting.) SMALL SLOWLY WEAK BEAUTIFUL BIG MIXED-UP (a little of this and a little of that) HANDSOME (flamingo) SMART (fox) STRONG (elephant) FUNNY (seal) VERY MANY (beautiful animals)
PREPOSITIONS UP DOWN SIDEWAYS ON (on a leaf) ONTO (moved onto a brown tree) ACROSS OUT
Printed books have a soul. And when the book has a handwritten dedication it has a special meaning forever. The book with a dedication becomes a life-lasting memory on a person that wrote a dedication and on the special occasion that we received the book as a gift. The dedication in the children’s book is even more important, as the childhood is the most precious time of our lives.
The dedication is usually written on one of the pages at the very beginning of the book. Instead of copying nice thoughts from others or citations, write some of your own words: to whom you are giving the book as a gift and what is the occasion or reason behind the gift. Do not forget to add the date, place and your signature that will round up the dedication.
Anyone who takes the book in hand will read a dedication. That is why a book dedication is actually an everlasting memory. The handwritten words will remind us of a dear face and voice and evoke positive feelings. The books with a dedication can become a valuable family heritage, as they connect us to the past and our parents, grandparents, other family members, old friends and dear people in our lives. The book dedication may also remind us on life events or situations when we received the gift.
Dedication in children’s book has an extra charm, as the child will be able to remember you or the happy event when the book was received. It’s important that you write a clear message to the child, appropriate to the child’s age. Keep in mind that the dedication should be a meaningful message in the future as well. It’s specially nice if you write your own thought and why are you giving exactly that book to a child.
We designed MINI POLIGLOTINI books in a way that they have a place for dedication. We were very careful that this place is spacious and does not interfere with other content of the book. And in the case it remains empty: nobody will notice anything is missing from the book. The dedication in the book for children is even more valuable, as it will become an everlasting reminder on the wonderful period of childhood and will remind the child of the most precious years.
Five tips on how to write a dedication in children’s book:
• Try your best to achieve nice handwriting • Use capital letters for young readers • Sentences should be short and clear • Write a wish or a nice thought to a child, that connects to the content of the book or the occasion • Write the date, place and your full name.
I love writing dedications in books I give as gifts, whether they are written by me or another author. I also love to read dedications in the books I own, as they always remind me of fond memories and dear people.
Do you always write the dedication in the book that you are giving as a gift to a child?
How is your child falling asleep?Do you read fairytales to your child? Despite the fact, that we live in the age of visual technology, let’s not forget the classical book and magic of bedtime stories. These are important moments of quality time spent with your child. It’s a special time that helps strengthen your relationship, while at the same time you are enriching the children’s vocabulary and imagination. Some studies confirm that reading to a child at the bedtime sets the foundation for better learning abilities later in life.
1. Bedtime stories – the time devoted to the child only
In today’s fast pace of life, we already spend a bit of time with a child in a week, and then we must admit that even though we are with him, we are not always fully committed to it. Therefore, reading to your child at bedtime should be the time reserved for the child only. That’s the time when everything else is postponed and a parent’s focus is on the child.
2. Physical contact between the reader and the listener – the time for mindfulness
Bedtime reading is a great opportunity for the precious moments of bonding, which we both still need from children and parents. (As children grow they are less likely to snuggle with us, so do take the time to snuggle while they are still small, it will not last forever.) Squeeze under the blanket with your child choose your favorite corner in home, perhaps in a company of child’s plush toys, and let the child choose the fairy tale. (Even if it’s the same fairytale repeatedly.) Reading that way will be more fun and kind of an adventure for both of you.
3. Bedtime and the body – the time for calming down
Today in the modern pace of life, children are exposed to stress as well. The bedtime ritual of reading fairytales makes children feel safe and warm, while snuggling beside you or in sitting your lap. It’s also a perfect activity for calming down which prepares the child’s body for falling asleep and helps children to sleep deeper as well. So basically reading fairytales is a great choice for calming down. My book “The Fairy Tale of Luna” is magical, sensual and with wonderful messages.
4. The magical world of fairy-tale characters – the time for imagination
When children listen to the fairytales, they create an image of the stories with their imagination. Later on this will help children become independent readers, as children who listen to stories develop the part of the brain that helps “see” what is happening in the story. The books promote creative thinking, since the child has to create the image of the story itself, unlike cartoons and other visual entertainments where the image is already in front of the observer (Pediatrics, August 2015). In addition, it is very pleasant for the children when the bedtime reading takes them into the world of imagination and they fall asleep.
5. Books with messages – the time for intimate conversation with a child
When a child feels comfortable and safe, it is very likely to be confident about it’s worries. The child might open to you if something unpleasant happened during the day. The conversations can also be stimulated by the content or messages of the books. Therefore, bedtime routine with reading is an excellent opportunity for open conversations, either on the child’s initiative or your own. Experts recommend that the reading ritual is continued as long as possible, even in the teenage years of the child, simply because by bedtime reading we build a bridge into child’s intimate word and we may talk on more sensitive subjects that bother the child.
In addition to spending pleasant moments together, preparing for sleeping, and strengthening your relationship with your child, bedtime reading has an extremely positive effect on the development of the child’s brain, speech development and it enriches child’s vocabulary.
MINI POLIGLOTINI booksare the perfect choice for your child’s bedtime reading. Aside from all other reading benefits my books are multilingual, so your child will be spontaneously learning foreign language as well. In addition, MINI POLIGLOTINI books always have a hidden message and a touch of magic, so that children are even more easily falling in their world of dreams. Good night and sweet dreams 😀
How to bring closer early language learning to toddlers? One of the solutions are English books for the little ones! We have quite a few and each of them brings a nice memory. We started reading these books with Oskar and Lucija around the age of one. Me and my hubby discovered quite quickly a huge difference between our children. It appears to us that little girls are much more receptive to listening to our voices and reading books than little boys! Another difference between girls and boys … Anyhow, early language learning with these little books brings lots of fun. Children absorb a foreign language spontaneously, it’s melody and they learn a new language at the level of words and phrases.
What are the favorite books of your toddlers and kids?
Here are our favorite English books for kids and toddlers:
1. BROWN BEAR, BROWN BEAR WHAT DO YOU SEE? – learning colours and animals’ names
writer: Bill Martin Jr & illustrations: Eric Carle
The two authors created quite a few “best sellers” for children. The pattern of text repetition and rhythm give a special charm to this book.This is the book that teaches kids animals and colors and most toddlers love to have it often their little hands.
2. WAIKIKI LULLABY – goodnight rhymes from Hawaii
writer: Beth Greenway & illustrations: Alexis America
Anyone who ever lived in Hawaii, will immediately understand how special and wonderful this little lullaby is. This book was written by a mother who raised her children in magical Hawaii for a couple of years while her husband was working there. This book has a special meaning for us, as for few months we lived in the heart of Waikiki and we enjoyed the Hawaiian sun sea and sand just a pin away from the Duke Statue – a monument of an amazing surfer Duke Kahanamoku.
3. GOODNIGHT MOON – an iconic book for goodnight reading
writer: Margaret Wise Brown & illustrations: Clement Hurd
This is an American classic, which our grandmothers read it to their children and grandchildren. This book was first published more than 65 years ago. In USA this is a “must have” in the category »BABY’S FIRST BOOKS«. Although the illustrations are not quite by my taste, the lyrics go in the ear and children love listening to it.
4. FIVE LITTLE LADYBUGS – the loveliest rhymes for kids
writer: Melanie Gerth & illustrations: Laura Huliska-Beith
A short and lovely fairytale about five ladybugs, that go in the world. With this book the child learns to count to 5 names of few animals that are in the story and a few verbs. An amazing illustrations and five ladybugs take a child and a reader to a colorful world of nature. The ladybugs are from plastic and stand out of the book surface.
5. THE GRUFFALO – bestseller for kids
writer: Julia Donaldson & illustrations: Axel Scheffler
An irreplaceable “best seller” or a masterpiece in children’s literature. It’s upgraded with a puppet show, animated film, different games and full pallet of products with The Gruffalo character.
The similarity between the books: • All books have hardcovers, • The books are of smaller format, so they fit into small hands of children, • The books contain relatively short narrations, • The illustrations are attractive and colorful, • The texts are in rhymes with melodic language.
All our English books for toddlers came into our home from far faraway. Four out of five books came across the ocean!
Our son got first three books as a gift in USA, so each one of them reminds us on a precious friendships: Professor John from Hawaii, our family Karen and Joe from Cleveland and a girl with a biggest smile ever – Rina from Japan, Oskar’s first babysitter. The forth book on ladybugs I both on a »garage sale« in Honolulu. I don’t remember anymore if I payed for it 50c or 1£. The last book The Gruffalo came form UK, which I both on-line.
The books are part of our everyday bed routine. We read to your son as a part of a bedtime routine – every night one of the parents reads to him in bed. We started with this routine at about the age of three, when he moved from a crib to a big bed. We plan to keep reading him as a part of bedtime routine, also when he will be reading to himself, as this is a special time when we all calm down. And this matter even more than reading, it time for bonding.
Our little princes at the age 1,5 years loves looking at books, points on drawings with her finger and baby-talks to herself. Of course we describe her the illustrations and we read her short books – as those five English books for toddlers we LOVE. There is not a day without her taking the book all by herself and of her choice and looking through it together with us. Sometimes even few books a day.
When did you start reading to your child in foreign language? In which language?
Try out our bilingual personalized book in which Your child is a mail hero! It comes in 42 language combinations so there is much chance you will able to personalized it for languages you wish your child to learn!
The book is a useful, practical and beautiful present. It’s a present that you can open over and over again. It’s best if you have some new books set aside, so you can skip the worries of looking for an adequate present in the very last moment. Read 10 reasons, why is a book always a great present.
1. The book has no expiration date.
2. The book does not take much space, while waiting for a new owner in a closet.
3. It’s easier to gift wrap a book than a football.
4. The book does not need batteries.
5. The book is never of the wrong color or size.
6. Books do not cause allergies.
7. It’s easy and cheap to send a book by post.
8. The book does not need to be assembled before the use.
9. By ageing the book gets on its value.
10. When you finish reading the book, you are richer and the book is not empty!
Ideal book for children birthday present
The MINI POLIGLOTINI books are ideal gift for your child’s birthday. And also for the friends of your child!
As your child grows up, his circle of friends is expanding. It is important that children learn to care for friendships, and parents should set a good example in that. Inevitably, this is followed by invitations for birthday celebrations. Choosing a gift is an important activity in which you should involve your child. From that experience, the child learns to live in the needs of another being, it learns the importance of choosing the right gift, and ultimately, it is a good way to demonstrate in a simple and child-friendly way the insight of personal finances and the family economy.
But it often happens that you find out about the birthday party at the last minute and you do not have the time to shop for a gift along with your child. Or you get an invitation to the birthday party just when you return from shopping …
In that situation, you can solve the day with a gift that patiently waits in a closet. A gift suitable for a two-year-old or a ten-year-old who is almost in puberty. A gift, which is not just a book. It’s much more: a magical book that enables early language learniing in a fun and creative way. Plus, at the same time, it’s board game provides entertainment for the whole family or group of children at the birthday party.
The MINI POLIGLOTINI personalized bilingual book is a magical gift, beautiful, useful and timeless. Order one for your hero!
The answer to the question “is it good to know more languages” would certainly be answered positively by each one of us.But why? How much benefits does it really have? And what does the knowledge of foreign languages bring to our children? Read the scientific findings of some studies in which the positive effects of early language learning are proven. You will be surprised at how children who speak more languages or who learn foreign languages are better performing on various tests in comparison to their peers!
Positive effects of early language learning:
1. Better cognitive abilities, flexible thinking, multi-tasking, problem solving
A lot of studies have been carried out on the relationship between learning a foreign language at an early age and cognitive abilities. They proved that the student, who studied the foreign language is mentally more flexible and better in conceptual thinking. In the external examination of knowledge in mathematics, mother tongue and social sciences, those who learned a foreign language performed better. Robinson, D. W. (1992). The Cognitive, Academic and Attitudinal Benefits of Early Language Learning. In Met, M., ed. Critical Issues in Early Language Learning. White Plains, NY: Longman.
In the American study that examined the influence of foreign language learning on the knowledge of mathematics it was found: significantly better results were achieved by younger students who learned a foreign language five days a week in comparison to the results of older students who did not learn foreign languages. Saunders, C. M. (1998). The Effect of the Study of a Foreign Language in the Elementary School on Scores on the Iowa Test Of Basic Skills and an Analysis of Student-participant Attitudes and Abilities. Unpublished dissertation, University of Georgia.
A comparative study was conducted between a group of American first-class students attending a French school and a group of first-class students that went to a normal elementary school. On the intelligence test, those who were learning French were much better off than those who did not learn French. Better results were achieved primarily in the tasks that required children to interpret and interconnect in seemingly unrelated objects. Samuels, D. D. and R. J. Griffore (1979). The Plattsburgh French Language Immersion Program: Its Influence on Intelligence and Self-esteem. Language Learning, 29/1, 45-52.
2. Better reading comprehension
In a previously mentioned study that compared success in solving mathematical tasks, younger students who learned a foreign language five days a week were also better at reading comprehension. Saunders, C. M. (1998). Another study examined the difference between students with different abilities in reading their mother tongue. They compared students who studied Spanish for one or two years in the fifth or sixth grade and students that took no Spanish lessons in the same age. The parallels between good results in reading comprehension and the length of learning a foreign language were found. What’s more, it turned out that the average intelligent students gained the most by starting to learn a foreign language at an early stage. Garfinkel, A. and K. E. Tabor. (1991). Elementary School Foreign Languages and English Reading Achievement: A New View of the Relationship. Foreign Language Annals, 24/5, 375-382.
3. Better communication skills
A study carried out in 23 high schools in the US showed that in the external examination of oral expression, students who learned a foreign language were incomparably better off in comparison to those who did not learn a foreign language. It turned out that the social environment was not affecting the results of the study. Cooper, T. C. (1987). Foreign Language Study and SAT-Verbal Scores. The Modern Language Journal, 71/4, 381-387.
In addition, on the standard external examination of oral expression after completion of the secondary school, students who have been learning a foreign language for four or more years received better scores than students, who chose to take any other subject instead of a foreign language in the high school. Robinson, D. W. (1992). The Cognitive, Academic and Attitudinal Benefits of Early Language Learning. In Met, M., ed. Critical Issues in Early Language Learning. White Plains, NY: Longman
4. Wider view of the world and better understand and acceptance of other cultures and diversity
Early language learning literally spreads the horizon to the child. Children develop a sense of cultural pluralism, openness and respect for other cultures. For this reason, the European Commission for Early Childhood Education and Training is also striving for early language learning.
5. Long-term competitive advantage for careers
Research confirms that linguistic and cultural awareness will be the one, that will feature a well-educated 21st century person, who will successfully face the growing diversity and will compete on the global marketplace. Genesee, F. and N. Cloud. (1998). Multilingualism is Basic. Educational Leadership, March, 62-65.
Many scientific studies demonstrate how early language learning positively influences the development of children’s cognitive and communication skills, encourages flexible thinking, strengthens memory and concentration. Aside from that science proves that multilingual children are also more creative. Do you agree that early language learning is a good investment in our children?Research confirms that linguistic and cultural awareness will be the one, that will feature a well-educated 21st century person, who will successfully face the growing diversity and will compete on the global marketplace. Genesee, F. and N. Cloud. (1998). Multilingualism is Basic. Educational Leadership, March, 62-65.
Many scientific studies demonstrate how early language learning positively influences the development of children’s cognitive and communication skills, encourages flexible thinking, strengthens memory and concentration. Aside from that science proves that multilingual children are also more creative. Do you agree that early language learning is a good investment in our children?
Source for studies: dr. Karmen Pižorn. Additional foreign languages in the childhood (In slovene Dodatni tuji jeziki v otroštvu). Evaluation study. PF Ljubljana. August 2009.
Early language learning gives to children more than one can think of. And much more than one can measure! Even scientists sometimes find it hard to find evidence, because our mind is so complex and linked to many external factors that finding correlations between the effectiveness and the knowledge of foreign languages is sometimes a real challenge. However, the studies addressing benefits of bilingual and multilingual children are numerous. With no doubt your child will have many benefits from early language learning and eventually he/she will benefit from their knowledge as well. Advantages of earl language learning begin at the cellular level in our brains. Creating new neuron links is stimulated by early language learning. Below are the 10 benefits of children and people who know more languages.
1.Bigger BRAIN
Yes, it’s true. Even though it seems incredible, the brain of bilingual and multilingual children is bigger and heavier thanks to the greater number of connections between the nerve cells. As a result, they have greater potential for some brain functions and are more successful in many fields.
The child will understand immediately that one language is ahead of all other. This is the language in which the child learned to speak. The language in which it thinks. The language a child know better. Learning and understanding a foreign language gives the child a new perspective on the mother tongue. The child will find out that he/she can express himself differently in his mother tongue and it will learn the structure of mother tongue.
Your child will fit in easier at school and educational system. Scientific research shows that bilingual and multilingual children get better results on the tests that require: multitasking, problem solving, and creative thinking. Compared to monolingual children, they also get better results in cognitive tests. Why? Thanks to language switching, their brain synapses are more developed than in their monolingual peers.
Your child will find it easier to go to study abroad if he/she feels comfortable in expressing itself in a foreign language. Some schools and programs require the knowledge of foreign languages already at the time of signing up. In addition, better memory allows faster learning!
Knowing more languages definitely brings more employment opportunities. This especially applies when looking for a first employment and getting first working experience. Aside form that, it appears that globalization will encourage employers to seek for multilingual workforce.
Multilingual children are often more open in communication. Speaking in a foreign language does not feel as strange or hard as to monolingual peers. If your child learns foreign language it will be more likely to communicate with family abroad with tourists and with people when you take a trip or vacation … our son finds himself new friends every summer, and most of them do not speak his mother tongue.
More languages you know, it’s easier to learn a new one. This applies even more when learning a similar language. For instance I learned Spanish very fast because I was already proficient in Italian. I started by taking a summer language course and immediately realized that i already understand most of it. It was simple because Italian and Spanish have both most words from Latin language. And I did have a year of Latin in my gymnasium. Also grammar of Spanish and Italian is quite similar. At least the principles are.
Each language has it’s own culture. The culture of the people that speak that language. The culture reflecting itself in the literature, in the music, in the food, in relationships, in working habits … When children learn a foreign language they also learn the way life goes on in the place this language lives. That way children become more open for difference and are more likely to accept themselves as well as others. They become more likely to adapt to new environments, new people and new situations.
A seven years old Oskar speaks Slovenian language (mother tongue) he understands almost everything in English and can express himself in English (1. foreign language), he understands Serbian language (2. foreign language), he recognizes Italian language (3. foreign language). Oskar already understand that in this world there are people that speak and understand different languages and that they perceive the world differently from each other.
Your child will feel better abroad if he/she can communicate with people on it’s own. Also understanding the language of the environment is crucial for feeling good. Your traveling abroad experience will be even richer and more fun, because by getting in touch with people and interacting with locals, we experience the culture and space more authentically and become more than just tourists.
In any case, knowledge of foreign languages brings many advantages and benefits. So why not start early? Early language learning is an investment in your children future!
Early language learning can be very fun, spontaneous and easy, if you take it like the game. In addition, taking into account our advice, you can gain good communication habits and improve your conversation skills with your child.
This will help the child in the long run to improve social and communication skills. At the same time, he will learn new words, phrases and if you are consistent and persistent of the new language.
Of course, we have tried all the tips in our family, and there are a few of them on the agenda in our everyday life. We provide 10 tips for early language learning:
Talk with your child in a foreign language for at least 15 minutes a day. Use also non-verbal communication. At the beginning, speak first to your child in a foreign language and then repeat the same meaning once again in your mother tongue. Begin with simple phrases. Repeat!
Sing songs in a foreign language with your children. Children learn faster and more spontaneously while singing, as melodies and rhymes take over … And it’s super fun!
Read the multilingual fairy tales and stories before bedtime. Depending on the child’s knowledge of a foreign language, adjust in which language you will read first. Pay attention to the children’s attention by combining mother tongue and foreign language and asking questions. A child can quickly get tired because it does not fully understand the text in a foreign language.
Today’s children love technology. Choose quality multilingual mobile applications for early language learning. It is extremely important that the use of the tablet / mobile is limited and that you explain to your child how the application works. And of course, you can monitor how the child reacts to it.
Play board games in another language, deal with both pantomime and classic table games. Both can be a great fun while learning individual words and phrases in a foreign language.
Give the child a new toy and tell him that he understands and speaks only in the chosen foreign language. This can be a robot, doll, sewn or plush toy. Of course, you can also make it yourself. Play with your toy by talking to them and playing in a different language only. The child will quickly start to imitate you.
Talk to your child and ask questions in both mother tongue and in a foreign language. First speak to the child in a foreign language, and then, if necessary, in the mother tongue.
Find new friends who do not speak your child’s mother tongue. It’s easiest to start talking via Skype, as you can talk to anyone from anywhere. You can easily find families with similar interests that speak your preferred language. Arranging for a Skype call is important, both for the adults who will coordinate the conversation as well for the children who need to stay focused and interested in the other party. Parents are interested to whom they will talk to and they know about what their children want to talk about.
Explain to the child the benefits of knowing a foreign language (for reading, talking, traveling). Once the child understands the benefits of knowing the foreign languages, he/she will start enjoying the learning process more.
Be spontaneous, go with the flow, learning the language at home is not as rigorous as in a class. The more original you are, the more you will laugh and have fun with your child and vocabulary will build up faster! This applies in the field of language learning and in other areas as well.
Start with all activities slowly and apply them for a short period time on daily basis. As the time goes by you will gradually extend the time you devote to activities in foreign language.
If you add our suggestions to the time you spend daily with your child, you will surely build a healthy and trusted relationship. It is important that you talk directly to the child and not that the child is a passive listener. It’s even more important to listen to your child! Often children tell things in their own way, and since each one of us has a little different, parents should learn to understand each child individually.
Be spontaneous and trust your gut! Do things the way that you think it is the best for both of you. The most important thing is that you and your child are having fun and bonding.
Early language learning is a topic that has quite some public attention for a while. Today, as communication with the world seems like being on the palm of your hand, the emphasis on learning foreign languages is even more evident. For that reason, it is already quite casual to have a child enrolled in some kind of “language happy hours or activities”. Is that a good decision or we are only putting more burden on our kids?
There are evidence that children are learning languages more easily when compared to adults. Looking from the geographical point of view, on the boarder areas most of the children speak mother tongue and the language of the neighboring country, even before starting the formal education in school. Aldo children that are growing up in bilingual families, learn two languages practically simultaneously and effortless.
Children are born with a gift for early language learning: learning a mother tongue as well as additional languages is a organic process, while in older children as well as adults learning languages is a conscious process. Research shows that best time gap for early language learning is between 5 and 9 years of age, while brain is still developing and all information are being absorbed as primal. It is often said that children brain is like “sponge” which simply absorbs the information and knowledge from the environment, which specially applies for languages. If the early language learning is set well, children will learn the foreign language extremely fast and it’s knowledge will be even more long-term than in adults.
At the same time, early language learning has a positive effect on development of child’s cognitive functions and communication skills. It also encourages flexible thinking, strengthens memory and the ability to focus. It has been proved, that multilingual children use more brain tissue and are very creative.
European Union is aware of the benefits that early language learning brings. Aside from other benefits, it makes the base for later learning and shapes one’s relation to other languages and cultures. Because of that EU Ministers of Formal Education are supporting learning of at least two foreign languages in the childhood. Early language learning will be implemented in the common strategy of European Commission for early education.
Looking on a long-term run, every child that speaks more languages will have numerous benefits in comparison to it’s peers, who did not train their brains with early language learning.
What kind of early foreign language learning is best?
The method applied or early language learning must be adequate to the age of the child. But the choice of the method depends on our goals. If we desire that our child learns language very well than a systematic approach is needed. It must attract child’s attention and keep it with interesting activities: games, visual and hearing materials, integrated movement and singing. At home we can encourage early language learning with reading multilingual books, using multilingual mobile apps or with watching cartoons in a foreign language.
Early language learning should always be in accordance with child’s development and it must be of high quality. The learning process must be fun and easy, and should never feel like a “burden”. While learning in a fun and engaging way the child will be successful in concurring a new language as well as in other talents that are being develop at the same time.
Mojca Stubelj Ars, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, is innovative and artish, with passion for languages, sustainable tourism and start-up ecosystem.
Mojca expresses herself with creative writing, event management and product development. She also enjoys teaching and sharing her passion for art, innovation and science with children and youth.
GOLDEN INNOVATION AWARD for innovative approach in early language learning by mobile application and the book “The Fairytale of Luna” – awarded by Slovenian Business Association.
YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 2014 for PhD thesis – awarded by Alpine Convention (Winning 1.st prize in the competition of 42 young scientists.)
Fulbright Research Scholarship 2011. Environmental Center, University of Hawaii Manoa, USA.
Award for Green Marketing, Challenge “Bohinj Park EKO-hotel” – Bank of Tourism Potentials Slovenia 2010.
European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) summer school scholarship for Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Advanced Course in Artificial Intelligence 2009 (ACAI 2009).
“Award for the contribution to sustainable development of society for the year 2008” The prize was awarded by the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund.
Multilingual books for children & bilingual personalized book about HAPPYNESS
Mojca Stubelj Ars received YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 2014 for PhD thesis – awarded by Alpine Convention
P2 Small Business Grant – 54.000,00 EUR for developing the prototype and testing the market with MVP. Funding body: The Slovene Enterprise Fund – period 2017 – 2020
USA Embassy Slovenia Small Grant – 5.000,00 $ for creating a free educational mobile application on nature conservation for children. Funding body: American Embassy Ljubljana – period 2016 – 2017
Innovative New Businesses Award – 13.300,00 EUR for start-up innovation development. Funding body: Municipality of Nova Gorica – period 2014 – 2015
Small Business Award – 3.500,00 EUR for 1 year of start-up existence on the market. Funding body: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology – period year 2015
Fulbright Research Scholarship – 22.000,00 $ for 9 months Fellowship. Funding body: Institute for International Education USA – period 2011-2012
Young Researcher – 100.000,00 EUR for 4.5 years to conduct research at Slovenian University. Funding body: Slovenian Research Agency – period 2007 – 2013
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Why is early language learning very useful for school and later in life?
We already know that learning foreign languages is very useful. Why it is wise for children to learn foreign languages as soon as possible? Children learn the language naturally and much faster than adults. Therefore, early childhood is an ideal time to introduce your child with a foreign languag or better say – do it as soon as possible.
Scientific studies show that elementary school children who speak several languages or who learn at least one foreign language are performing better than their peers in many fields! We all want our kids to be HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL, and definitely a child’s brain plays an extremely important role in that. By learning a foreign language at an early age, kids brain develops “differently”. IN A BETTER WAY! The extra synapses (brain cell connections) that develop when learning and using two languages are later in life useful for anything: mathematics, logics, social skills, communication. Because of that, I take the standpoint that early language learning is literally an investment in every child!
Here you can read about few positive effects of early language learning
1. Better cognitive skills, problem solving and multitasking
Many studies have been conducted on the relationship between early language learning and students’ cognitive abilities. Students who learn a foreign language have been shown to be more flexible and better at conceptual thinking.
2. Better reading comprehension
Children that learn a foreign language get better results at reading comprehension. They make conclusions faster and at the same time connect different content.
3. Better communication skills
Students who learn a foreign language are performing better at oral tests. This finding applies for elementary students already and is being reported by researchers from around the world.
4. Wider understanding of the world and positive attitude towards other cultures
Learning a foreign language widens the horizons. Through language, the child learns about cultures, places and customs, and as a result develops a sense of openness and respect for other cultures.
5. A long-term competitive advantage for the global labor market
Because of the globalization, internationalization of businesses and increasing need for international collaboration in many areas, knowing foreign languages will be increasingly important.
Early language learning has a positive effect on the development of children’s cognitive and communication skills, promotes flexible thinking, enhances memory and focus, and multilingual children are also more creative! You could say these are at least 5 top reasons to immerse your child into the world of languages by reading bilingual and multilingual fairy tales.
A personalized bilingual book is the perfect gift for any child! This book has simple sentences and is an ideal for introducing a new language to your child. In addition, the multilingual books MINI POLIGLOTINI are a great choice for early language learning as well! Check our offer and enjoy learning new words, new phrases and a new language with your child .
Whooow create an amazing and educational gift for your child :D
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