The book is a useful, practical and beautiful present. It’s a present that you can open over and over again. It’s best if you have some new books set aside, so you can skip the worries of looking for an adequate present in the very last moment. Read 10 reasons, why is a book always a great present.
1. The book has no expiration date.
2. The book does not take much space, while waiting for a new owner in a closet.
3. It’s easier to gift wrap a book than a football.
4. The book does not need batteries.
5. The book is never of the wrong color or size.
6. Books do not cause allergies.
7. It’s easy and cheap to send a book by post.
8. The book does not need to be assembled before the use.
9. By ageing the book gets on its value.
10. When you finish reading the book, you are richer and the book is not empty!
Ideal book for children birthday present
The MINI POLIGLOTINI books are ideal gift for your child’s birthday. And also for the friends of your child!
As your child grows up, his circle of friends is expanding. It is important that children learn to care for friendships, and parents should set a good example in that. Inevitably, this is followed by invitations for birthday celebrations. Choosing a gift is an important activity in which you should involve your child. From that experience, the child learns to live in the needs of another being, it learns the importance of choosing the right gift, and ultimately, it is a good way to demonstrate in a simple and child-friendly way the insight of personal finances and the family economy.
But it often happens that you find out about the birthday party at the last minute and you do not have the time to shop for a gift along with your child. Or you get an invitation to the birthday party just when you return from shopping …
In that situation, you can solve the day with a gift that patiently waits in a closet. A gift suitable for a two-year-old or a ten-year-old who is almost in puberty. A gift, which is not just a book. It’s much more: a magical book that enables early language learniing in a fun and creative way. Plus, at the same time, it’s board game provides entertainment for the whole family or group of children at the birthday party.
The MINI POLIGLOTINI personalized bilingual book is a magical gift, beautiful, useful and timeless. Order one for your hero!